“If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7 ESV)
“Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24 ESV)
I love this song. The way the Gaither Vocal Band does it is funny. But as I was watching the video, it occurred to me that some people may not know what a mainline is. A mainline is also called a landline. It’s a phone installed in your home by a wire, that cannot be carried any further than the wire will go. Sometimes they are wireless but have to be close to the base to get the signal. I think you get the idea.
Did you know we have a direct line to Jesus? Did you also know His number is not unlisted and is never busy. Do you remember party lines? Me either, but from what my grandma told me, it was multiple people on the same line. You had a certain number of rings for each person on that line. I think she said their’s was 2 rings. You could listen into your neighbors calls and they to yours. Not much privacy. We don’t have that problem with Jesus’s line. We are the only one on it. It’s a direct line from you to Him. You can call up Jesus anytime and talk to Him. He will always answer.
Jesus is never too busy to talk to you. Tell him your problems, cares and concerns. Your answer may not come immediately, but then again, it might. How do call Jesus? Pray. Or just talk to him like you would a friend. I have had some really good talks with Jesus just by talking and pouring my heart out to Him.
So if the weight of the world has you down, call Jesus. He is waiting for your call. And I promise you will not be put on hold or have to press one for English. Have a great day everyone!
Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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