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Sins of Omission

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Gods Ways, Sin

“Remember, too, that knowing what is right to do & then not doing it is SIN” (James 4:17)

Is it not relatively easy to be worry about the Sins of Commission? Although we are wary of murder, theft, adultery, do we not often get tripped up by subtle sins? These are the sins that the Bible doesn’t specifically mention, but only alludes to: ‘Sins of omission’. God is just as critical of the latter as He is of the former, as the above text so amply reveals.

The scripture portion related to Christmas in Matt Chapter 2, regarding the visit of the Wise men to the nation of Israel in search of the newborn King, is quite revealing. While the response of King Herod to this news was one of hatred, what was the response of the scribes and the religious leaders? One of marked indifference. They were unaffected by the infectious enthusiasm to worship the Christ child that was displayed by the wise men. Although they revealed the location of His birth to King Herod, they refrained from going along with the wise men in search of the long-promised Messiah.

Indifference to God’s work is only a step away from outright hatred of it because as soon as Jesus’ began His public ministry (30 years later), what was the response of this hitherto indifferent group of religious leaders to it or to Jesus? One of outright hatred!

The parable of the Good Samaritan is yet another pointer to God’s mind on this theme. Just as Jesus was appreciative of the Good Samaritan, wasn’t he critical of the indifferent temple priest and the Levite?

In the spiritual realm, there is no neutral ground. During World war II Sweden & Switzerland may have got away by calling themselves ‘Neutral’ countries (hence they escaped the bombing of both the allied and the axis forces), however in the spiritual realm, if you are not with God, it means you are with Mr. devil. PERIOD!

Finally, coming to the ‘Sheep & goat ‘ judgment, so beautifully described in Matt 25:31-46, what does Jesus accuse the goats on His left hand of? The Sins of Commission? Murder, theft, adultery? NO! Rather, he accuses them of Sins of Omission. Of acts which they knew they had to do but didn’t!

The words of Jesus mentioned there should always ring in our ears: “I was hungry but YOU DID NOT FEED ME, I was thirsty but YOU DID NOT QUENCH MY THIRST, I was naked but YOU DID NOT CLOTHE ME and …”

I kept sending you Bible-based /spiritual e-mails but you never even cared to reply to encourage me …Hey, now who whispered this into my ear?

Prayer: Father, make me sensitive to the needs of people around me at all times. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Suresh Manoharan

