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In the concluding part of our series on our publicly speaking/act, we focus on yet another pivotal part of Christian faith…




Ah the Blessed hope of the Church…eagerly anticipating the return of the Redeemer (Titus 2:13). The Saviour, in answer to the question (Matt 24:3/Luke 21:7) of His disciples about signs preceding His second coming, spoke about the proverbial Fig tree (Nation of Israel -Jeremiah 24) putting forth leaves again (prophecy that it would be reestablished) and the natural calamities (earthquakes, epidemics and tsunamis) occurring. The nation of Israel has been reborn publicly, and natural catastrophes are occurring in full media glare! Hey, it’s all happening, and one needs to be deaf and blind to be oblivious to it! (For more on the chilling facts and figures of natural calamities, you may click the following here.)

Consider this verse “Down here on Earth, Nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by roaring seas’ and strange tides” (Luke 21:25b TLB). Tsunami is the very definition of a strange tide. Not caused by cyclonic storms or hurricanes, as normal tidal waves are, but by an earthquake!

Stunning visuals (all over the media) of the devastating Tsunami, tossing cars and even ships like weightless empty paper cups, which has recently left Japan reeling, would remove doubt (in some skeptical souls) about the veracity of the Noah’s Flood account in the Scriptures. Even as our hearts go out to the suffering lot in Japan, and we do everything possible to alleviate their suffering, should we not consider the Divine Sovereign will of God at this poignant moment?


Whilst speaking about the signs preceding His return, the Redeemer remarked that the World would be like in Noah’s days (Matt 24:37) where violence and corruption would rule the roost (Genesis 6:12-13). Again, violence and corruptive scandals, too many to count, are PUBLICLY hogging the limelight! Now why is the good Lord sending sign after sign (epidemics, earthquakes etc, all mentioned in Luke 21) to the unbelieving, skeptic world?


The answer is clear: In order that people will believe in Him, repent and set right their relationship with Him! (See 2 Peter 3:9) The Grace age is poised to end anytime, and its end will coincide with the rapture of the Church. The ordinary police charged with the responsibility of maintaining law and order will initially fire warning shots at an unruly mob indulging in arson before firing directly at them. Would not the God of Grace also fire some “warning shots” before “firing directly” with tribulation at the unrepentant lot? That’s exactly what He is doing!


You are all aware that there are many interpretations of the end of time prophecy, one of which teaches that the church will be raptured BEFORE the great tribulation to save it from experiencing seven years of HELL ON EARTH (nothing less). Now there are other interpretations of end time prophecy, but what if this one is the correct interpretation? If so, the rapture will be terrific for the saved lot, but it will usher in terrible times for the unsaved ones. The natural calamities we see now, in relation to the tribulation, are a mere “trailer” (to use movie goers parlance) of THE REAL which is to arrive. You ain’t seen NOTHING yet! Where will the those poor souls left behind at the rapture hide when the World (during terrible tribulation) receives a Divine hiding? With the spirit of Noah warning the world before the Flood, I want to plead with folded hands before the undecided ones to not delay their decision about accepting Christ into their hearts. Get into the “Ark of Salvation” by Faith (ROMANS 10:8-10)! NOW!!!

If you do not want to listen to poor, weak Suresh Manoharan, listen at least to the man of substance in human history: Jesus Christ. He is speaking publicly through so many irrefutable signs about his imminent return. So typical of Him…isn’t it? “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22:20) It is time you set about establishing a right relationship with the ONE who died on the Cross for your sins! Do not delay!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, when there so many signs abounding about the imminent rapture of the Church, enable us not only be individually alert but also alert others. Amen.


Suresh Manoharan

(To access the entire “Publicly Speaking” mini-series, please click here.)

