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From Purity to Pressure

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Family, Parenting, Purity

Sarah looked in utter despondence.  How could this be happening? He looked me in the eye and told me that he loved me.  I was the one.  He promised me the world, and  all he delivered was my broken heart.  Sad, lonely, rejected, hurt, lied too and with no one to talk  too, was the remains of a young relationship gone bad.  Can’t talk to my parents, they won’t understand, can’t talk to my peers, they’ll ridicule me, can’t go to the church, they’ll judge me and too embarrassed to go to God

Sarah’s story sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?  Every second young female seems to be going through the same scenario. Played by the world’s system, fallen under the pressure of being young and in love, caressed by the longing to belong, she let down her guard and her decisions desired more than just one night of foolishness.

In the fast, innovative society that you are growing up in, many of you are being swayed into the crowd of erroneous behaviour.  False promises and false hope are paving the way of destruction.  The chastity belt of purity is being loosened by the ties of immoral living.  Yet another Sarah walks away hurt, confused, angry and afraid to face the future.  My heart really goes out to the youth of today as they are faced with an onslaught of pressure from every direction.  Torn between friends and bad decisions, looking for an escape, knowing the truth but so afraid to stand alone.  So afraid to be an individual, so afraid to be unique , so afraid to be peculiar and so afraid to say ‘Yes’ to truth and ‘No’ to sin.

Many of you reading this article is going through this ‘Sarah Syndrome’ of being pressured into giving up your purity and some of you have already made this move.  All of you that have fallen under the pressures of being young wish you could turn back the clock, wish you knew then what you know now, wish you said ‘NO’.  Maybe the clock can’t be turned but God is prepared to give you a new clock.  One that chimes with the very heartbeat of God, one that has a long hand of salvation, a shorthand of discipline, a continued hand of grace and mercy.  You may not be able to change your past but God is promising you a way to rewrite your future.  A future filled with hope eternal, filled with everlasting love, filled with the power and the anointing of God.  What is done can not be undone but God is prepared to turn your hurts into harvests, your tests into testimonies and your messes in messages.  Give Him every piece of your broken heart and He will mend it.  You are far too special to be lost.  Nothing you have done could make God love you less.

To those of you contemplating this major decision of giving up your purity, STOP, right here and don’t reject God’s call.  You have an obligation from God to live a holy life.  You are called to something different and to be different from the world. A gain, to be holy literally is to be different.  You are effectually and obligatorily called to a lifestyle of purity which is a reflection of the character of God.  This call is both a reality and a responsibility. Wait, young people, don’t be hasty to give up what can not be replaced.  Purity is not a fairytale, it is the measurement of a higher calling for you as you are birth by spirit and bought with the blood of Jesus Christ.  It is a life’s story of making the right decisions that please God and aligning your future with his plan ,purpose and destiny for you .

Even if all the other young women have dimmed their lights, I say to you, let your light so shine before men that your Father in Heaven will look upon you and his glory will fill you and he will reward you for your faithfulness.  So what if you are the only one left standing alone for truth and purity, some are born great, some attain greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them.  Esther wrote her name in the hallways of heaven because she stood out.  Rahab saved her household because she left the crowd, Mary fragranced the Lord because she received him.  So how about it, write your name in the hallways of heaven when you position yourself for pure living.

You are a temple of the Holy Spirit.  Don’t fall into the devils’s lie because NOT EVERYBODY IS DOING IT. Intimacy is for marriage and within the sanctity of marriage, it is a blessing.

Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves.  Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers—none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God.  There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away, and you have been set apart for God.  You have been made right with God because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

A Prayer for you

Father, in the name of Jesus, I bring every young woman reading this article and I plead the blood of Jesus upon them. I speak restoration into their lives and healing into their hearts Sanctify their minds with your word that is truth.  Set them free from the entanglement of sin and deliver them from evil.  Align their feet with your plan and design their path with your hand.  Help them to forgive themselves and set them free from guilt.  Be their strong tower and their refuge.  Holy Spirit be their guide, their counsellor and their friend. I n Jesus name I seal these mercies        . Amen

Tips for Christian Youth and dating

1) The Right Age

I wish this very critical point carries an easy answer However, it doesn’t.

The right age for dating must be discussed between yourself and your parents and in that, a decision can come about as to the proper age for you to date.

Don’t compare your parents to others as every home is uniquely designed.

I believe that the decision your parents make with you is for your best interest as no parents wants  anything less than the best for their kids.  Dating and teens is a very important decision so include those that love you the most, mum and dad.

2) The Dating Standard

Non-Christians see dating in a different perspective. Magazines, TV shows, and movies tell you how you should date a lot of people before you get married.  Celebs and ‘role models’ all publicise that you are young and should jump from one dating relationship to another.  Yet God has more in store for you than just jumping from one relationship to another.  When it comes to Christian dating, you live according to a different standard – God’s standard.  Yet it’s not just about following the rules.  There are some solid reasons why God asks us to live a certain way, and dating is no different.  We need to realize that God means for us to meet the ONE person that we are meant to marry.  According to Genesis, a man will leave home to marry one women to become one flesh.  You do not need to date a lot of people – just the right one.

3) Guard your Heart

Guard their hearts dear ones with the breastplate of righteousness.  The word “love” is thrown around with little thought.  Yet, we often live for love.  We live for God’s love first and foremost, but we also live for the love of others.  While there are many definitions of love, 1 Corinthians tells us how God defines love.

Do not settle for or give the shallow version of love.  When you date it should be taken seriously.  You should know the person you are dating and know their beliefs.    Do not unequally yolk yourself for what does light have in common with darkness.  Look at your relationship and evaluate yourself by saying ‘From the time ???????? Is in my life, have I drawn closer to God and the things of God or have I drifted away from God and his presence.   If your answer falls into the latter then I don’t have to spell the rest out for you.  There is a reason they call it a “broken heart.” God understands the power in love and the damage a broken heart can do.  This is why it is important for Christian teens to really pray, know their hearts, and listen to God when they decide to date.

One last thought, listen to your parents, elders and church leaders when they give you sound Godly advice on the person you are dating.  I don’t believe any one of them will give you the wrong advice so heed to the wisdom of your elders, heed to the voice of God and I believe that you are sure to live a blissful, successful and bountiful life with the right person.

God Bless you

Hazel Moodley

