Continuing to focus on the subject Baseliea (Greek word used in the New Testiment Scripture for Kingdom…in connection with God’s Kingdom) let’s dwell on further related topics such as how to get into this Kingdom or to be more precise what we need to do for the Kingdom to “enter” us…
The Saviour came proclaiming that the key to the restoration of ruptured relationship lay not in man running away from His Maker but by repenting of his sins (Mark 1:15). No patient ever got cured by running away from a doctor but by going to the physician in full acknowledgment of his sickness. The first step towards regaining the Kingdom, we had lost courtesy the original sin of our first parents lies in having a contrite heart.
One can come to God only on God’s terms. Through several signs in the Old Testament dispensation, our Heavenly Father was pronouncing this truth. One such was the East-facing entrance of the Tabernacle (Exodus 36:27), through which alone would Chosen people (the Jews) of the Old Testament era approach Him. No wonder Jesus called Himself the Gate (John 10:7-9) and by the utterance of the sixth word on the Cross “It is finished,” He announced the completion of the Divine Redemption plan in its totality, for it is at the Cross alone that that God’s absolute justice (which demands death for a sinner) and Fatherly mercy (which longs to forgive a sinner) kiss each other (Psalm 85:10), so to speak. There is no other place to go to for reconciliation other than the Cross (1 Cor 2:2). Oh how true that it is at the Cross that one crosses over into the Kingdom.
The mark of this Heavenly citizenship upon an individual is the seal of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:13-14) who comes to indwell every Christian with His trademark peace and joy (Gal 5:22-23).
Prayer: Father, we praise and thank Thee for placing your joyous Spirit within us which at once assures us of our safe and right relationship with Thee. We magnify Thee in our Saviour Jesus’ Name, who made it all possible by His atoning death on the Cross. Amen.
Suresh Manoharan
J and SM Ministries
(To access the entire “Basics of Basileia” mini-series, please click here.)