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Our Hands

by | Jan 16, 2016 | Relationship, Salvation

Our hands are great teaching tools.  They have taught me many lessons.  One of them is …   The left hand:  On this hand we have no hope, no purpose, no future, failure, falling way short, broken relationships, sickness, no love, heartache, worry, tension, anxiety, judgment, death, and we don’t have to do anything to get all of that.  And, there is nothing worth holding onto.  Proverbs says those that hate God, love death.   The right hand:  On this hand we have, hope, purpose, future, success, reaching our ultimate potential, strong relationships, health, love, peace, joy, comfort, abundant living, and more than enough of everything … everything worth holding onto.  But we can’t, because the more we extend our hand in blessing others, the more we receive.

The question is:  Which hand do we want our life to be?

  Well, every intelligent person always says the right hand!  You are right in saying the right hand is best!

But, to have a life like the right hand, one has to have a relationship with the real Jesus Christ!

God’s Word tells us how to establish and renew that relationship daily.  Make the right choice and extend your right hand, open, intending to obey Him in a relationship, and you have all He has to give you.  And, it is FREE!

(Howard) Vern Nicholson

Answers2Prayer Subscriber

