“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2)
“Capture.. rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians10:5)
“Get it!,” I squealed from the back room. My husband came in, glanced at the insect, and said, “You want me to get that? It’s so little!”
Yes, it was little, but guess what? It would grow, and when it did then I would have to deal with it big.
The saying ‘my mind is out to get me’ can be so very true at times. When there is a small not-good-thing in my head it’s best to nip it in the bud, otherwise…guess what? It grows, too. Yup, it would grow, and somewhere down the road I would have to deal with it big.
Many times I don’t even notice when I am harboring a judgmental attitude or holding onto an offense. It takes the Holy Spirit to get my attention and say basically, “Hey, don’t let this tiny seed fester in you! ‘Cause guess what? The enemy of our souls will in time help it balloon up.”
I surely don’t want an offense, that I’m holding onto, to grow into a root of bitterness. The bug episode was a little reminder to me about how I need to watch myself and: 1) make sure that small things, like irritations and grudges, get taken care of while they’re small; 2) put on my spiritual armor (Eph 6:11-18) daily; and 3) every single morning make the decision to love and forgive.
Inspirational Messages, Sally I. Kennedy 2013