Okay folks, today we come to the concluding section of our long journey of studying the parable of the Good Samaritan. As always the best is reserved for the last, so here goes…
9. Comforter
Mind you, the compassionate Samaritan after saving the robber’s victim and nursing him back to health did not depart from the scene just like that. He left him in the safe custody of the Inn-keeper. Job entrusted to the Innkeeper by the Good Samaritan would be considered to be complete, only when the injured victim of the robbers regains his original health from before the murderous attack.
“The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said.” (Luke 10:35)
Our Redeemer, too, after emancipating us from a spiritual slavery, has left us in the custody of the Comforter — The Holy Spirit — who is completing the remaining job, that of transforming us into a Christ-like image (2 Cor. 3:18), which Adam had originally (Gen 1:27) before the Fall!!!
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; …No, I will not abandon you as orphans…” (John 14:15-18)
Christ’s First advent was not only about merely saving us from sins but saving us in order we get back the image we had lost at the fall. The Divine process of we regaining the lost image is set rolling in us the moment we are born again. If by His stripes, we are healed (Is. 53:5), would we not get back the pristine pre-fall figure again by His disfigurement (Is. 52:14)!!!
10. Coming Again
“and when I return…” (Luke 10:35)
Hey, the Good Samaritan has promised to return. Yes, the Master shall return first to the mid sky to rapture His Church.
Are there signs preceding the Church rapture? Amongst others, what are the two distinct signs of recent times that trumpet the truth about the last trumpet call signaling the Church’s rapture (1 Cor 15:52/ 2 Thess 4:16)? Consider this verse: “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day.” (Matt 24:37). What two evils conspicuously marked Noah’s time? Violence and corruption, for you ladies and gentleman (See Gen. 6:12-13)! Do I need to furnish proof to substantiate these plain facts? Does not media overflow with accounts of terror strikes (now there female suicide bombers also), feudal killings in real and reel life (minus a smoking gun or a bloody knife the macho-image of any cine hero in a poster is said to be incomplete) are a way of life now?
Some irrefutable proofs here…
In Denver the other day, what came was not Dark Knight but even a Darker night experience, which victims (who survived) would like to forget. There they waited for Batman instead arrived a gun-man with a “gun-spitting” fire.
Sky-rocketing violence everywhere…tell-tale signs:
Is Jesus right only when it comes to his sayings such as “Those who live by the Sword, die by it” (Matt 26:52). Why shouldn’t we take His other Prophecies as regards His Second Coming seriously, just as we take earnestly his time-tested ones such as the one quoted above? No cherry-picking please…
And Corruption…oh boy…oh boy…
It is “news” nowadays only, if there is no scam in 24 hours!!!
So will the “Good Samaritan” return soon as a righteous King to set right all the wrongs…bringing order, where is disorder, peace where peace has gone to pieces, morality where there is immorality, hope where there is despair, joy where there is sorrow? You can take Him at His word…
“’Yes, I am coming soon!’ Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22:20)
Are you alert? Have you alerted others? The Gospel of this era is not only that Christ came, but that He is also coming again…Soon!
No theology is complete without a doxology. Hallelujah!!!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, even as signs of imminent Church rapture abound all around us…enable us to be alert and alert others. Amen and Amen.
Suresh Manoharan
J and SM Ministries
(To access the rest of the “It’s ‘All’ There” mini-series, please click here.)