In the true sense of patriotism, one can imagine oneself saluting in front of the national flag, hearts a flutter, cracks in our voices, really taken aback by our freedom and dedication to our country. Yet in all the celebrity of being loyal to one’s country, no matter at what risk, you lay your life down , at the end of the day, when you are no longer of use, your victory parade is over, you are no longer important because your usefulness has worn off.
Yet in God’s kingdom, it is only once the battle is over for you that you receive you prize. To live is Christ and to die is gain. When Jabez cried out to the Lord that God will bless him indeed and enlarge his territory, the Lord honoured his request. We, as individuals are also created for a greater purpose in Christ. Given our circumstances of growing up or regrets, we do not see this vision of God in our lives. Yet God is doing a new thing in your life. We need to envisage a life a greatness and call that which is not, as if it were.
Arise and shine, ye children of Zion for the Lord has delivered you. Our perception of greatness must be an unlimited essence of God’s glory reflecting in our path. A purpose driven life is a rewarding life. When we look at the circular world and we affiliate ourselves with Maslow and his hierachy theory of Needs and the human race, we find that with every level on that scale, as we get higher, the need structure evolves from physical to social to emotional to psychological and so forth. Point being that our human self is never quite satisfied and as the years increase, we will always set goals higher that need to be attained.
Yet in the spiritual aspect of our living, God has not set unattainable goals for us but instead he gives us the freedom to dream about the great endeavours, we can attain in his kingdom for his glory. He does not just leave these as dreams alone, he promises us that when we commit all our plans before him, he will bless them to succeed. In all things Jesus deserves the glory but in all things, He promises that we would do greater things in His name. In the limiting understanding of the human mind, we limit ourselves to constraints only in the natural.
Point yourself in the direction of greatness. Whatsoever your heart desires this day that the name of the Lord may be uplifted, step out in faith and be blessed with abundant outflow that is waiting to be poured out in your life. Whenever doors close, consider rejection as an arrow pointing you back to the road God has highlighted for you. God’s road is the best road to be on. He paved the road, he knows where there is obstacles and he gives you a clear map to reach your destination. Think about it, what do you want to do for the kingdom of God that seems out of reach right now, is it a mission station, a trip overseas, finances to build a church, cut a CD, feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, you name it, no matter how impossible it may seem, all things impossible to man is possible with God.
You, as an individual is called to a greater purpose, so be encouraged and cut off all those thoughts that keep you in a “not me” , “can’t do it”, inferior complex. Rise and shine for the Glory of God is upon you. Let your visions and dreams for the kingdom of God be supernaturally originated. Pray them forth in the spirit and call them in the natural. Turn this world upside down and make it the right side up for Jesus. Give the devil a run for his tactics and as you attain to greater heights in Christ, marvel at the wondrous work, God is going to do a marvelous work in you, through you and all around you.
Get excited, this is a new day in your life with a brand new setting that is stepping you up to a greater Purpose in Jesus name .
God Bless you all as you step up to greatness.
Hazel Moodley