The fact that Jesus is crucified between two thieves feels right. He hung there among sinners. He never keeps Himself separate from us, but is always right with us.
The fact that Jesus is crucified between two thieves feels right. He hung there among sinners. He never keeps Himself separate from us, but is always right with us.
What can overcome fear? Nothing but hope. And this is our hope—that our redemption is drawing near. Just as He promised, Jesus will return, will see us face to face, and will put a complete end to all the evil we have spent our lives suffering.
What is the best advice you could ever give anyone? To get right with God before it’s too
Who is your king? It i whatever rules your life! God calls us to trust in Jesus a our King!
The devil comes to steal and kill; but we are not powerless against him! Our weapons, the Bible and prayer, can … STOMP on him!
It would have been better for Pilot if he had listened to his inner hesitations and fears… Yes, better for him, but not for mankind!
God supplies all of our needs. Jesus needed courage and strength to make it through the Holy week; God gave Him the triumphant entry!
When Jesus looked out on that bloodthirsty crowd, those people just like us, and what did He see? The people He came to die for.
Love sent Jesus to the cross. Love made Him stand through beatings and mockings. Love raised Him again on the third day…
Why would God make the people, who were walking in circles in the wilderness, have to transport something like the wilderness tabernacle? Could it be because He wanted to … reside … among them?
Living in a sinful world, shouldn’t we feel proud each time we overcome? Each time we succeed in letting God work through us? Each time we accomplish something for His Kingdom?
The people chose a robber over the Son of God, sending Jesus to the cross. Was it really the wrong choice? Maybe not…
If you inherit something, you aren’t buying it, making it, or taking it by force. You aren’t doing anything at all, really. Someone else has already done what’s necessary to get whatever you’re about to inherit.