Perdón: ¡va en ambos sentidos! Pedimos perdón, pero también debemos perdonar a quienes nos han herido. Puede que no sea fácil, pero Dios nos pide que hagamos precisamente eso…
Perdón: ¡va en ambos sentidos! Pedimos perdón, pero también debemos perdonar a quienes nos han herido. Puede que no sea fácil, pero Dios nos pide que hagamos precisamente eso…
To be a recruiter, we must in our words and deeds make people want what we are offering. Are you a good recruiter for God’s kingdom?
Do you truly want to be free of sin? Ask God to reveal your sin, to put a hatred in your heart for ALL sin, to DESIRE to confess your sin, and for the ability to repent of it!
¿Realmente quieres estar libre del pecado? ¡Pídele a Dios que te revele tu pecado, que ponga odio en tu corazón por TODO pecado, que DESEA confesar tu pecado y que tengas la capacidad de arrepentirte de él!
Do you sometimes have questions for God? Things you just don’t get? Don’t be afraid to talk to Him about them! He loves our questions!
Do you need to talk to someone? If so, then pray! God is always there, you can always pour out your heart to Him!
Feeling anxious? Why not talk to Jesus? We may not know what to do next, but He does. His Spirit will guide us!
What was Jesus doing when He hung on the cross? He was triumphing over sin, death and the devil! Breaking the power of evil over us!
The idle mind is the devil’s playground. This is why we are told to pay attention, to renounce him in the name of Jesus!
How can judgment be … “good news”? Only when we belong to Jesus do we no longer need to fear the judgment!
Peace. We all want it. We seek it. We covet it. But there is only one way to have it …
God wants to take care of our needs. ALL of them. We must, however, first acknowledge our need, and then we must acknowledge that God can and will meet that need!
El sábado pasado, en La oración perfecta, Parte 4, vimos que después de reconocer que nuestro Dios es el Papá perfecto, todo amoroso, todopoderoso y omnisciente; después de darnos cuenta de que a pesar de ser nuestro Papá, Dios es santo y debemos asegurarnos de honrar...