Is love important? Good question.
Is love important? Good question.
Why is it that God’s ways never seem to … make sense? What are we supposed to do with all the valley experiences when we don’t understand why?
Forgiveness: It goes both ways! We ask for forgiveness, but we must also forgive those who have hurt us. It may not be easy, but God asks us to do just that…
Have you ever stopped to contemplate just how strange it is that God would love — us? Sin-stained us? But He does …
To see God? But no one has ever truly seen Him. The good news is, God has promised that the “pure in heart” will be able to see Him!
Have you given your heart to the Lord? If so, then you are not the way you were, and you don’t have to stay how you once where. God can change us!
If we continually see acceptance by human opinion, we will soon drown in unacceptance. Only God’s opinion counts!
In the book of Revelation, everyone is praising God! Not because it’s another boring church service. No, it’s the day of God’s final victory!
Perdón: ¡va en ambos sentidos! Pedimos perdón, pero también debemos perdonar a quienes nos han herido. Puede que no sea fácil, pero Dios nos pide que hagamos precisamente eso…
To be a recruiter, we must in our words and deeds make people want what we are offering. Are you a good recruiter for God’s kingdom?
Do you truly want to be free of sin? Ask God to reveal your sin, to put a hatred in your heart for ALL sin, to DESIRE to confess your sin, and for the ability to repent of it!
¿Realmente quieres estar libre del pecado? ¡Pídele a Dios que te revele tu pecado, que ponga odio en tu corazón por TODO pecado, que DESEA confesar tu pecado y que tengas la capacidad de arrepentirte de él!
Do you sometimes have questions for God? Things you just don’t get? Don’t be afraid to talk to Him about them! He loves our questions!