Does someone you know seem to have a special connection with God? Good news! You can have one too! We just have to meet Him in prayer!
Does someone you know seem to have a special connection with God? Good news! You can have one too! We just have to meet Him in prayer!
Living in a sinful world, shouldn’t we feel proud each time we overcome? Each time we succeed in letting God work through us? Each time we accomplish something for His Kingdom?
Al vivir en un mundo pecaminoso, ¿no deberíamos sentirnos orgullosos cada vez que vencemos? ¿Cada vez logramos dejar que Dios obre a través de nosotros? ¿Cada vez logramos algo para Su Reino?
The choir of angels… Eagerly proclaiming the birth of their Lord … Why were they so overjoyed? They had come to celebrate the long last fulfillment of the promise!
In our galaxy, the sun is the star nearest to us. Every single day, it rises in the east at dawn to usher in a new day with new beginnings.
¿Qué regalo podemos darle a Jesús que Él apreciará para siempre? ¡El don de la adoración! ¡Adoración que es intencional, volitiva, emocional y personal!
What is a gift we can give Jesus that He will cherish forever? The gift of worship! Worship that is intentional, volitional, emotional and personal!
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." (Colossians 3:16 ESV) "A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord,...
Worshiping and praising God: It isn’t a suggestion; it is a command!
What is Heaven all about? Why will we be worshiping Jesus?