The idle mind is the devil’s playground. This is why we are told to pay attention, to renounce him in the name of Jesus!
The idle mind is the devil’s playground. This is why we are told to pay attention, to renounce him in the name of Jesus!
Fig trees may not produce and have fruit all year round, however Jesus DOES expect us to be ready, in or out of season!
When we are without Jesus, we walk in danger. With Jesus, we walk in safety!
We need to be careful where our thoughts go. We need to put a leash on our minds so we don’t get distracted from what REALLY matters!
God is so big, so great, and there are so many people in this world. How is it that He can … value … me?
“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:6 KJV) Dearly beloved and friends,the Bible teaches that “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:…..” (John 10:10a...
As summer turns to fall in the northern parts of North America, we find ourselves with an annual task in front of us: Winterizing! This includes cleaning out the garden and flower pots, storing pots in the shed, swapping out the lawnmower for the snow thrower,...