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The Most Important Number of All

On this, the first day of 2005, let's remember that the most important number in the Bible is the number ONE! Eph 4:1-6 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient,...

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Tearing Down the Fences

"Good fences make good neighbors", the television commentator said, misquoting Robert Frost for the millionth time in my memory. It made me wonder if the esteemed poet was not looking down from Heaven and sadly shaking his head. No line of poetry has ever been more...

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Your Job is Love

"Beloved, let us love one another." (1 John 4:7) My kitchen table was covered with papers. It was the end of the month and I was trying to get all of my paperwork done and taken to the office on time. I sat down in a chair, picked up my pen, and started writing on the...

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Your Job

God definitely has a sense of humor. As a writer I know this because He always gives me the deepest, most profound, and touching insights when I am far away from anything that I can write them down on. I think He must smile while I strive to keep them straight in my...

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The Work Bee

There was a work bee this morning, out at the barn where my boys and I ride. The place was literally "buzzing" as chain saws cut fence posts to length, skill saws sliced through boards for new stall doors, hammers pounded 4 inch nails into jump standards, and the...

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String us Together

"I pray …. That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." (John 17:20,21) Hand crocheted by my grandmother, this treasured tablecloth has individual squares that were made first, then sewn together. A couple of buttons snapped off in the...

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LESSONS FROM EZEKIEL’S TEMPLE, PART 13: Living Water, Part B: The Salt Water Turns Fresh

Last week, in Lessons from Ezekiel's Temple, Part 13A, we discovered that the trickle of water emerging from Ezekiel's temple is a symbol of God's Spirit pouring through us. It then merges with that which pours through other Christians to become a raging torrent that...

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