Do you believe that God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is real? Do you trust Him to prepare heavenly home in eternity for you?
Do you believe that God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is real? Do you trust Him to prepare heavenly home in eternity for you?
El amor de Dios está a nuestro alrededor. Sólo necesitamos invitarlo a nuestras almas.
God’s love is all around us. We need only to invite it into our souls.
Who or what is YOUR treasure? It would do us all good to examine our treasure from time to time…
God has offered us a wonderful treasure for free—forgiveness. Mercy. Guidance in our lives. Everlasting life. And best of all, His own dear Son Jesus to be our Savior and closest friend.
We are the treasure He wanted, the pearl He bought. And now that He has us, what? He won’t sell us again. He, too, is going to have to “die happy.”
What is it that holds YOU back from full surrender to our Lord and Saviour?
What are you building YOUR life upon? Make sure it’s on the Sure Foundation!
Wisdom and knowledge cannot give us meaning. Only in the God who made us and redeemed us can we find value forever.
There was no cost too high for Jesus. Should there be any cost too high for us?