We may not understand the evil that happen in this world; but we know one thing for sure: God’s heart hurts too! He grieves just as we do!
We may not understand the evil that happen in this world; but we know one thing for sure: God’s heart hurts too! He grieves just as we do!
Este Salvador rescataría a toda la raza humana del poder del pecado, la muerte y el diablo. Él moriría y resucitaría para llevarnos a casa con Dios.
This Savior would rescue the whole human race from the power of sin, death, and the devil. He would die and rise again to bring us home to God.
Un hecho permanece seguro y firme, y es que Jesús regresará muy pronto. ¿Estás listo para Él?
One fact remains sure and steadfast, and that is that: Jesus is coming again very soon. Are you ready for Him?
Jesus was thirsty. What a human thing. But why not? God became man, born for us, now thirsty, suffering and dying for us on a cross…
Everything Jesus does just before the cross is for one purpose: To destroy the power that sin, death and the devil’s hold over creation.
Why did Jesus tell Judas to do what he came to do … quickly? Could it be that Jesus was anticipating the amount of suffering He would endure? Yet He did it … For you!
Mary and Joseph did the best they could with what they had in that dirty stable. And God did His best too, giving us His beloved Son Jesus!
Does suffering scare you? Of course it does! But it doesn’t need to, for we can trust in the One who loves us and will never let us go!