Jesus knew His future, yet He willingly went to the cross, and was even glad to do so, in order to give us His wonderful gift of Salvation.
Jesus knew His future, yet He willingly went to the cross, and was even glad to do so, in order to give us His wonderful gift of Salvation.
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It was a test … for Abraham to know who God was … a God who would give His own son to save His people! What love!
We can be sure of God’s abundant mercy and steadfast love. In the blood of Jesus, our transgressions are blotted out, we are cleansed of sin!
What choice will YOU make today? Will you keep try8ing to make yourself acceptable to God through your own efforts? Or will you accept Jesus’ perfect gift?
God promised, through Moses, a mighty prophet, Jesus. He is like the prophet Moses — and yet, so much more than just a prophet!
God didn’t distance Himself from suffering and pain in sending Jesus; rather, He sent part of Himself! That’s how much He loves us!
In human terms, the cross makes no sense. What saving power can come from a baby in a manger? What can come from a man dying on a cross?
Jesus came. But He came to die! He came to die so that we might live. What a loving God!
Baby Jesus came … not to be redeemed, but to be the Redeemer! God in the flesh takes His place, standing in for humanity!
Need to fix a broken relationship? Don’t go for duct tape; rather, try apologizing! Even if you’re not wrong. Saying you are sorry can fix a lot of things!