Jesus went to the cross of His own free will. He did so by daily dependency upon God, and this is why He is forever the true Servant of God!
Jesus went to the cross of His own free will. He did so by daily dependency upon God, and this is why He is forever the true Servant of God!
We are picky when we eat grapes. Only the best ones go in our mouths! Praise God that He doesn’t discard each of us because of our bad traits!
Have you ever been afraid you would lose your salvation? Never fear! Jesus will never lose what God has trusted to Him!
Frustrated? Remember: We have eternal life already, even as we struggle—because Jesus has risen from the dead, and He shares His victory with us!
Jesus gave Himself up for the life of the world, and now that He is alive forever, He gives us the real life that will last forever!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were all as receptive to Jesus as kids are…
Do you have an agenda to fulfill before you start serving God? It’s time to put that agenda aside! God’s is much better anyway!
God’s mercy: It is beyond description. Yet it is ours for the asking.
In the midst of the worst times imaginable, Jesus gathers us together like birds taking shelter under his branches. We are safe in His care forever.
Do you need to be rescued? Jesus is the One for the job! He died in order to rescue you from the clutches of sin!