The family raising God’s own son couldn’t afford to bring a lamb as an offering … Yet they did bring a Lamb: They brought Jesus!
The family raising God’s own son couldn’t afford to bring a lamb as an offering … Yet they did bring a Lamb: They brought Jesus!
Jesus means, “the Lord Is Salvation”. From conception on, we understand the primary purpose for Jesus’ birth!
Because Jesus is our Good Shepherd who gather God’s scattered people back to safety, the lamb of God, we can have peace with God!
Jesus was born through Mary’s suffering; and He went on to suffer throughout His short life on earth so that we might have Salvation!
Jesus: The King who lived among the poor, a refugee, and homeless as an adult, He served people rather than being served… What a King!
Why would Joseph care for Mary and the baby that weren’t his own? In spite of everything, he was willing to put everything aside for them…
Because of God’s graciousness, Jesus lived, died and rose again for us. Now we who trust in Him are accepted by God and made new.
Did you know that if you know Jesus, you are chosen by God and blessed by Him? And now you have the privilege of serving Him!
Do you fear the judgment? No need! We can safely rest in Jesus, knowing that He will be our safety and shelter … forever!
When it comes to who to rely upon, there is no contest. Relying on our own gets us nowhere; but relying on Jesus gets us everywhere!