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How demanding life can be! You know what I mean, right? We follow that same routine—trying to catch our breath as we rush through the day, meeting everyone's needs. Where is the reward? My answer came through my brother and his wife Lois who were our house guests for...

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Three Truths to keep you from Giving Up

I can’t help it, I’m just nosy as can be. During one of the events in my trip to Cuba, I sat beside one of the ministry leaders. "What part of Cuba do you come from?” I asked. "Santiago de Cuba,” she said with joy in her voice. As I shooed flies and fanned myself to...

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Squeaking into Heaven?

All my life (almost) I have heard it said that the most important thing in one's life is getting to heaven. Parishioners have said to me, "I don't care about having some palace in heaven like the Apostle Paul will have; he suffered so much for Christ, beaten and...

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Yesterday at church, our pastor, Keith, told us the story of Simeon. He was a man who was very old, but one that the Lord had promised wouldn’t die until he saw the Messiah. When Jesus was just a baby, his mother and dad (Mary & Joseph) encountered Simeon at the...

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