Este Salvador rescataría a toda la raza humana del poder del pecado, la muerte y el diablo. Él moriría y resucitaría para llevarnos a casa con Dios.
Este Salvador rescataría a toda la raza humana del poder del pecado, la muerte y el diablo. Él moriría y resucitaría para llevarnos a casa con Dios.
This Savior would rescue the whole human race from the power of sin, death, and the devil. He would die and rise again to bring us home to God.
Does it seem like all your hopes have been … dashed? Jesus’ followers could relate … But in the midst of the “Saturday blues”, let’s NOT forget Sunday’s triumph!
Jesus’ transfiguration is a glimpse of the glory that will one day be ours. His resurrection is the guarantee of our resurrection. We have His promise!
Who are we, that our Creator should come into our flesh to be a human being and save us? Who are we, to become His relatives—to be the objects of His love—to be saved by His life and His death and His resurrection?
Jesus was the first fruit of the dead … But all of us who die in Christ are going to heaven too!
Just like He ascended after His resurrection, Jesus will likewise descend on the same Mount!
God would never raise a liar from the dead, or even someone who was sincere but wrong. But He did raise Jesus!
Someone figured it out. We are alive because Jesus died. Somehow His death broke the power of death!
The Resurrection? Why does it matter, anyway?