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Jesus is my Mighty Rock

Dear Prayer partners and fellow believers - Here are some thoughts of encouragement and admonishment the Lord is using right now in my life, inspired by the visions of the prophet Zechariah and the teaching of John MacArthur. I have also included what I feel would be...

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I am the I am

My dear Child, Do you realize how big I am?  Do you realize how great I am?  Now that you are in My Family and call Me "Friend," guard against taking Me for granted as human friends often do.  Don't ever slip into thinking of Me just as your friend....

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Bonnie and Clyde

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.”  (Matt. 11:28,29) Bonnie and Clyde.  A famous pair of...

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A Lessons From Job

"In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil...He was the greatest man among all the people of the East." (Job 1: 1; 2b) Whenever Christians hear the name "Job" most of us think of one...

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Who is YOUR Relationship With?

“Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years of Jehoiada the priest . . . After the death of Jehoiada, the officials of Judah came and paid homage to the king, and he listened to them. They abandoned the temple of the LORD, the God of their fathers,...

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Tickle my Ear

"And all the people saw the thunderings, and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar off, and said to Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest...

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