We may think we have lots of individual needs, but in all reality, we just need Jesus! Only Him!
We may think we have lots of individual needs, but in all reality, we just need Jesus! Only Him!
Do you ever feel like you are nothing more than just a valley of dry bones? Good news! There is Someone who knows how to make those dry bones live again!
We may deserve harsh treatment and impatience, but that’s not the Jesus way. We can trust Him. No matter what our need, He will meet it.
It is God who gives each of us capabilities to do what He wants to accomplish through us.
El amor de Dios está a nuestro alrededor. Sólo necesitamos invitarlo a nuestras almas.
God’s love is all around us. We need only to invite it into our souls.
No matter what, God is protecting you! So when you feel the fiery darts whizzing past, remember who has your back!
No matter what we go through, God cares. How do we know? Because of Jesus!
Does it often seem that God’s miracles are going to arrive a little … late? The Truth is, they always arrive just in — HIS — time!
God loves you. If you doubt this, look no further than the birth of Jesus!