In a world full of problems, how can we protect the spiritual nourishment of God’s word within our hearts?
In a world full of problems, how can we protect the spiritual nourishment of God’s word within our hearts?
What is keeping you from 100% commitment to Jesus? Whatever it is, remember: Jesus loves you enough to help you overcome!
Need to cultivate a forgiving heart? Why not take lessons from someone who had plenty of reason to be bitter? Joseph!
Do you have an agenda to fulfill before you start serving God? It’s time to put that agenda aside! God’s is much better anyway!
Is there’s so much flesh hanging on your life that God needs to strip you down to the “bare bones”? Take courage! He isn’t done with you yet!
Do you believe that God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is real? Do you trust Him to prepare heavenly home in eternity for you?
El amor de Dios está a nuestro alrededor. Sólo necesitamos invitarlo a nuestras almas.
God’s love is all around us. We need only to invite it into our souls.
¿A quién estás convirtiendo en el número uno en TU vida? ¿Qué tal AQUEL que merece el título?
Who are you making Number One in YOUR life? How about the ONE who deserves the title?