Can’t sleep? Try prayer! Overwhelmed with the urge to pray? Try prayer! Feeling a burden for someone? Try prayer!
Can’t sleep? Try prayer! Overwhelmed with the urge to pray? Try prayer! Feeling a burden for someone? Try prayer!
Are you feeling like you need to pray? Find a prayer warrior! Or ask God what or who needs prayer and pray until you are released!
What do we do about the problems and troubles that surround us? We need to fight!
When you pray the power instead of the problem, you activate the confidence you need, the boldness you must express, and the answer in which you must believe.
What is blocking your road forward in life? In faith, submit it to the power of persistent, fervent prayer, and then persevere in moving forward. You can be sure that when in the time is right, God will move that block.
New to prayer? Not sure how? Here are some practical tips!
Sometimes we just don’t know the words to say to God. Why not start with the Lord’s OWN prayer?
It’s easy enough to say the right things … but do you mean them?
The Holy Spirit makes no mistakes, and whatever He asks for will be the right thing. And the Father will hear Him—and us!—for Jesus’ sake.
Nothing can make the devil happier than when we “disconnect” from God! Let’s make him mad! Let’s spend time with God daily!