Is Philippians 2:12 really teaching Salvation by works? Take a closer look…
Is Philippians 2:12 really teaching Salvation by works? Take a closer look…
When we uncover our sin, God covers them with the blood of Jesus!
Working towards that new life in Christ is a process; but it is one we need to be continually making the highest priority in our lives!
The first step to accomplishing anything is to WANT to do it. What happens when we don’t even have the DESIRE to follow in Jesus’ steps?
The process of sanctification — working towards becoming more Christ-like — isn’t as hard as it seems: Not when we only focus on what we are designed to focus on!
What does it mean when Jesus tells us to deny ourselves? Aren’t we free in Christ to do whatever we want?
Many things can handicap our walk with the Lord; but perhaps one of the biggest handicaps is refusing to forgive ourselves…
Frustrated by your inability to live the Christ-like life? Remember: In our Saviour’s hands, we are new creations.
Wondering why Jesus spoke so rudely to the Canaanite woman who came to Him to hear her daughter? Maybe Jesus wanted to heal someone else as well…
What would you consider good in life?