Do you look like someone in your family? Or perhaps you have a “double” … I hope I do: Jesus Christ! I want to look like Him.
Do you look like someone in your family? Or perhaps you have a “double” … I hope I do: Jesus Christ! I want to look like Him.
You of little faith: Is this an encouragement? Or a put down?
It’s not surprising that the crowd wanted Jesus to feed them forever; life would be much easier if we didn’t have to work to survive. But Jesus wants us to have the kind of life that goes beyond mere survival; He wants us to be everything God created us to be, living in peace with God and each other.
Maybe you weren’t rescued from a life of crime; nonetheless, your story, your new life in Christ is just as poignant as those who were!
What spills out of you when someone rubs you the wrong way? It will be whatever you are holding inside of you…
Does your life seem like it’s a pretty big mess? Perhaps you need the Master to sort it all out for you!
Do you want to look more and more like Jesus and less and less like mankind? Only one way: Jesus!
In a quickly changing world, we may not believe that things that have never been done before can truly happen, but they do. Each time a new believer takes that step of faith towards God there is a new creation!
Don’t feel like you are anybody important? Like you have no authority whatsoever and no one listens to you?
Frustrated that your life doesn’t like much like “God’s masterpiece”?