El Roi, the God who sees us, knows our needs; we just need to look up and see His provision!
El Roi, the God who sees us, knows our needs; we just need to look up and see His provision!
El Roi, el Dios que nos ve, conoce nuestras necesidades; ¡sólo tenemos que mirar hacia arriba y ver Su provisión!
In our world, we have difficulties, especially after a triumph. It is, however, in those difficulties that God reveals Himself!
En nuestro mundo tenemos dificultades, especialmente después de un triunfo. ¡Sin embargo, es en esas dificultades donde Dios se revela!
Looking for practical ways to celebrate Jesus this Christmas? What if you saw Christmas as … A Reminder worship the God Who is the beginning and the end, and everything in between?
The two most popular names believers use in speaking of our Lord are 1) Jesus and 2) Christ.1) “Jesus” is a translation of the Hebrew word “Joshua” which means “Yahweh (Jehova) is Salvation”.2) “Christ” is a transliteration of the Greek term “Christos”, meaning...