Feeling a bit – surrounded? Troubles hemming in on every side? Consider that YOU are a tool in God’s had to break those chains!
Feeling a bit – surrounded? Troubles hemming in on every side? Consider that YOU are a tool in God’s had to break those chains!
What should you do when God seems absent?
What’s standing in the way of YOUR relationship with God? Whatever it is, no matter how big or small, God is calling you to “chase it away”!
Do you ever wonder why your efforts to witness seem to fall on deaf ears? Could it be that there’s a piece you’re missing?
Most of us likely think of our relationship with God as being a bit one-sided. We want to be with Him because of what we receive from Him: Blessings, comfort, love, peace, joy, etc. We tend to think that it is ... all about us!But is it? Is it possible that the God of...
When God calls, are we ready and available? Or do we have something else on the go?
It happens to all of us from time to time: We go out seeking God, and He can’t be found. What do we do?
When was the last time you treated Jesus as your … Brother?
Want to know how to not just survive trials, but to flourish in them?
As I made my way through the Song of Solomon, it occurred to me that the culture of the day must have been very different from our day and age. The comparisons, for example, as quite foreign to us. And the book talks about certain anatomical body parts that in our...