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Lessons on Relationships From Solomon (A Mini-Series)

LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 11: Unit 1: God’s Part of the Relationship, Part D: A Relationship Full of Gifts: My Fragrance Fills the Room???

In last week's lesson, focusing on Song 1:9-11, we discovered the truth that God prepares beautiful gifts for you, His children, gifts that will accent and enhance your beauty in His eyes. And these gifts are yours for the taking, just by entering into a relationship...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 12: Unit 1: GOD’s Part in the Relationship, Part D: God’s Gifts to us: A Garden Fountain

In last week's lesson, focusing on Song of Solomon 1:12, we discovered the truth that when we are in Christ, God gives us the gift of being truly lovely. In Him, we bear the fruit of the Spirit that can only come from Him. In Christ, we truly emit a pleasing fragrance...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 14: Unit 2: OUR Part of the Relationship, Part A: We Must Desire God: More Precious than the Gifts of the Spirit

In last week's lesson, focusing on Song of Solomon 1:2a, we discovered that our relationship with God needs to be the MOST important thing in our lives, to be pursued even above His cleansing Blood! Now let's take a look at what Song of Solomon 1:2-3 have to teach us:...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 15: Unit 2: OUR Part of the Relationship, Part B: We Must see Him as our Dearest Friend: Run to me, Dear Lover!

In Part A of Our Part in the Relationship with God, we discovered that God wants us to desire to be with Him the same way He desires to be with us. We need to WANT to be with Him more than we desire the gifts of the Spirit, even more than the cleansing blood! Now...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 16: Unit 2: OUR Part of the Relationship, Part C: We Must Spend Private Time with Him: Time Alone

We've now seen that in OUR part of the relationship with God, we're to desire Him as much as He desires us, and we're to see Him as our closest friend. Now let's take a look at Song of Solomon 1:4 to find out yet another of our responsibilities in the relationship:...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 17: Unit 2: OUR Part of the Relationship, Part D: We Must cry out to Him: Run to Him, Dear Lover

You know, I'm afraid that I am often guilty of not reading documents in their entirety. In fact, as I am often pressed for time, when I read through my professional journals, I often skip right through to the final, concluding paragraph and sentence, and it never...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 18: Unit 2: OUR Part of the Relationship, Part E: We Must Tell Others About Him: My Friends are with me Listening

In last week's lesson, focusing on Song of Song of Solomon 8:14b, we discovered the truth that the place to start to have a relationship with God is to desire to be in His presence enough to cry out to Him to come-quickly, leaping over every obstacle-to be with us!...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 19: Unit 3: The Truth About Where God is, Part A: Where God is, ALL the Time — Come to Me!

Over the past few weeks, we have learned many important aspects of developing and nurturing a relationship with God. We've learned that God plays the major roll in the relationship, but that we also have a part to play. We've learned how much God desires to be with...

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LESSONS ON RELATIONSHIP FROM SOLOMON, PART 20: Unit 3: The Truth About Where God is, Part B: How to Find God — Tell me Where You are Working!

In last week's Lessons on Relationships from Solomon we learned that when we don't feel like God is there, that's when we become so focused on circumstance that we can't sense His presence. However, when things are the darkest and coldest in our lives, that's when...

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