Love sent Jesus to the cross. Love made Him stand through beatings and mockings. Love raised Him again on the third day…
Love sent Jesus to the cross. Love made Him stand through beatings and mockings. Love raised Him again on the third day…
The people chose a robber over the Son of God, sending Jesus to the cross. Was it really the wrong choice? Maybe not…
What is truth? It’s a question we all ask, and it’s one that Jesus died on the cross to answer once and for all: He is truth!
Aren’t there times in all of our lives where we miss the truth about God because we are hung up on something minor? Praise God for Jesus who cleanses us of our defilement and sin!
Where would we be without Jesus? Thankfully, despite our sin, He never denies us!
Jesus didn’t get a fair trial; but He wanted to see the real lawbreakers go free — that would be you and me and the rest of the human race!
Everything Jesus does just before the cross is for one purpose: To destroy the power that sin, death and the devil’s hold over creation.
Our wonderful Savior waled willingly to suffering and death, all the while protecting and saving the people He loves!
At the end of Jesus’ priestly prayer, He prayed, specifically … for US! He knew that it would be hard for us to believe in what we hadn’t seen with our own eyes, and He prayed for us!
The crucifixion is approaching and Jesus’ thoughts turn to the Father — Who loves Him. And now that love is about to triumph as Jesus brings us back to God, saved and set free forever!