Imagine a treasure that requires reckless sacrifice to purchase it. That’s how God sees … us!
Imagine a treasure that requires reckless sacrifice to purchase it. That’s how God sees … us!
We may not understand the evil that happen in this world; but we know one thing for sure: God’s heart hurts too! He grieves just as we do!
We don’t need to hide ourselves from God any longer, because “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Are we willing to lay down everything for someone else? Even a total stranger? Jesus was!
In the midst of our misery, God gets it. He treats us with love and respect. He takes our suffering seriously!
There is no love like the unconditional love of our God!
Wishing you had a friend in high places? Wait! You do! The very highest: A Friend from Heaven!
We know that through His death and resurrection Jesus rescued us from the power of the devil and brought us into the kingdom of His Father.
Good news friends! Jesus loves you! More than anyone else ever could! Not only does He say He loves you, but He proved it at the cross!
We may deserve harsh treatment and impatience, but that’s not the Jesus way. We can trust Him. No matter what our need, He will meet it.