God said, “It is not good for man to be alone!” We were created for relationship: Relationship with one another AND relationship with Him!
God said, “It is not good for man to be alone!” We were created for relationship: Relationship with one another AND relationship with Him!
God is in the forgiving business. He will give us a second chance. He will give us that do over. He will even help us! We just have to ask!
Overwhelmed with problems? Imperfect faith? God always shows up at just the right time to remind us to simply place our faith in Him!
Everything about God is always perfect. But if you want the real blessing, why not spend some time meditating on His timing and His ways?
Todo en Dios es siempre perfecto. Pero si quieres la verdadera bendición, ¿por qué no pasas un tiempo meditando sobre Su tiempo y Sus caminos?
We are picky when we eat grapes. Only the best ones go in our mouths! Praise God that He doesn’t discard each of us because of our bad traits!
God’s nature never ceases to proclaim God’s love for us. It is, however, up to us to embrace that love, to live in it with joy and to share it with the world.
Do you want to come to know real love? Try Jesus! He loves you even when you walk away from Him!
The Lord is faithful. His mercies are new every morning. So let’s strive for steadfast love for others as well!
Do you have a need? Why not turn to the One who can supply all of our needs? Jehovah Jireh!