Doing the right thing: It isn’t always the easiest choice, but it’s always the right choice! Even if it makes enemies on earth…
Doing the right thing: It isn’t always the easiest choice, but it’s always the right choice! Even if it makes enemies on earth…
Hacer lo correcto: no siempre es la opción más fácil, ¡pero siempre es la opción correcta! Incluso si nos hace ganar enemigos en la tierra…
God created some trees so that they wouldn’t lose their leaves in the winter because He want to encourage us through the dark days of winter!
¡Dios creó algunos árboles para que no perdieran sus hojas en el invierno porque quiere animarnos durante los días oscuros del invierno!
What the devil meant to discourage the people, God used to encourage them.
What the devil meant as a curse, the Lord turned into a blessing!
God supplies all of our needs. Jesus needed courage and strength to make it through the Holy week; God gave Him the triumphant entry!
Para amar hay que conocer el glorioso amor de nuestro Padre Celestial. El Espíritu Santo nos impulsa a mostrar amor a los demás.
How can we live at peace with one another as you desire us to live? Only by asking God to help us love one another through Christ!
God is so good. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. He makes things so easy if I just trust Him and have faith.
Such a simple thing that we take for granted … but it can really make a difference in someone’s life!