If God never gives us more than we can handle, don’t you wish He didn’t trust us so much sometimes? Good news is: He’ll help us through!
If God never gives us more than we can handle, don’t you wish He didn’t trust us so much sometimes? Good news is: He’ll help us through!
Let’s not be a whiny bunch; rather, let’s be patient and wait on God to be satisfied!
Feeling ill-equipped for what you are called to do? You’re in good company! Remember Jeremiah?
What do you ponder? Things that might never be? Or … perhaps … things just as grandiose that could very be?
Jesus could have come at any time in any form to save us. Why did He choose the form of a helpless baby?
Feeling a bit … dried up? Good news! There is a cure!
Will God ever ask you to do something that you CAN’T do? You bet! What do you do then?
What is it that you have begun to depend upon? Make sure it is God first and foremost!
Not feeling equipped for what God has called you to do? Perhaps you aren’t relying on Him!
Who is the King of YOUR heart? You will never regret stretching yourself to take that step in faith.