On our own, we can’t do much to help people. Only Jesus can meet the deeper needs that everyone has. Why? Because He loves us!
On our own, we can’t do much to help people. Only Jesus can meet the deeper needs that everyone has. Why? Because He loves us!
Do you trust God for — EVERYTHING? Remember: God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, you know that He will care for you!
El sábado pasado, en La oración perfecta, Parte 4, vimos que después de reconocer que nuestro Dios es el Papá perfecto, todo amoroso, todopoderoso y omnisciente; después de darnos cuenta de que a pesar de ser nuestro Papá, Dios es santo y debemos asegurarnos de honrar...
God wants to take care of our needs. ALL of them. We must, however, first acknowledge our need, and then we must acknowledge that God can and will meet that need!
Jesus went to the cross of His own free will. He did so by daily dependency upon God, and this is why He is forever the true Servant of God!
Most of us desire to be independent … and that’s great! Unless we are talking about God! We simply can’t function without Him, leading us and fighting for us!
God wants us to acknowledge that apart from Him we can do nothing. He knows us, He created us. Our job is to humble ourselves to the point that we become completely dependent upon Him.
Who is Jesus? He is the One who never passes away, the One who invites us to surrender to Him and depend upon Him, the One who loves us!
Piénselo: el Hijo de Dios, al amarlo, eligió ser dependiente. Él aceptó eso como parte de Su sacrificio para hacerte Suyo. Y Él te dará Su Espíritu Santo, para que tú también puedas aceptar la dependencia en el momento adecuado, recorriendo el camino de la cruz con amor y gratitud.
Think of it—the Son of God, loving you, chose to be dependent. He accepted that as part of His sacrifice to make you His own. And He will give you His Holy Spirit, so that you, too, can accept dependence at the right time—walking the way of the cross with love and gratitude.