Do you have walls in your life? If so, you probably constructed them to protect you. Consider that rather than protecting you, they are hindering you from doing what God would have you do!
Do you have walls in your life? If so, you probably constructed them to protect you. Consider that rather than protecting you, they are hindering you from doing what God would have you do!
Depression is almost an epidemic. How about keeping it out of your life completely?
Demons are like cockroaches: Difficult to get rid of, and likely to return! There is only one way to “clean house”!
There is but one deterrent for fear: The love of God!
Have you had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Every turn, something is fighting against you? Remember: If Jesus is for us, who can be against us?
We may not know it but we need rescuing … And we have just the perfect person for the job: Jesus Christ!
Temptation’s traps: Why is it so hard to avoid them? How can we stop the vicious cycle of sin?
As children of God, we have authority over the devil. We need to start using that authority!
Whatever it is that is blocking your path in life, God will make a way. Your job is to recognize the way He opens up, and to have enough faith in Him to take it!
God’s own Son Jesus was born into this world of darkness and distress. Like us, He lived with daily trouble and suffering. He knows what it’s like. And yet, He did not give up. We can rely on Him in ALL situations!