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God Owns it All

"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours…" (Psalm 89:11) I went outside in the early morning to get the newspaper that had been thrown across the driveway. It was a perfect summer day. The dew was sparkling on the lawn that my...

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Declaring War on the Real Enemy

I feel really lead of God to send this message to encourage each of us who are in Christ Jesus to start declaring war against the enemy of our souls. My heart breaks to see so many Christians continually being defeated and tormented by the devil and his forces. I pray...

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The Stone in the Shoe

“. . . So that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ . . .” (Php 1:10) There isn’t anything that is much more irritating. You place your foot firmly on the ground, and—OUCH! There it is! That sharp point pushed...

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The Lord Left to Test

“These are the nations the LORD left to TEST ALL OF THOSE ISRAELITES who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (HE DID THIS TO TEACH WARFARE TO THE DESCENDANTS OF THE ISRAELITES who had not had previous battle experience): the five rulers of the Philistines,...

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The Devil’s Strategy

Millions today profess to hate, abhor, shun and reject the devil because they know he’s their enemy. They say, “I do not worship Satan, I don’t obey him”, but alas! They are directly being controlled by this arch-enemy of the light. Beloved, if you discover that you...

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Recovery from Sin

If you are like the majority of us you have had the opportunity to find yourself in a situation that seemed utterly hopeless, wondering how you ended up this way; how you could have blown it so badly. This is true of all men and women at some point in their lives...

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The Wasps

The end of summer. The days become a little shorter and a little cooler. There is just a touch of fall in the breeze as the leaves gradually begin to turn on the deciduous trees. It is, in general, a beautiful time of year. A time when the late summer breeze calls for...

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