When the wisemen, following the advice from their dream, left and went a different way, did they know that they were saving their Savior?
When the wisemen, following the advice from their dream, left and went a different way, did they know that they were saving their Savior?
We don’t know what happened to the gifts Jesus received at His birth; but we know what happened to the ones He brought! Salvation!
Sometimes we leave in the presence of people who make us afraid. Remember, God loves you deeply! Ask Him for help and wisdom!
We all have wonderful promises to look forward to: Because of Jesus! May we trust in His promises with all our hearts!
The family raising God’s own son couldn’t afford to bring a lamb as an offering … Yet they did bring a Lamb: They brought Jesus!
Jesus means, “the Lord Is Salvation”. From conception on, we understand the primary purpose for Jesus’ birth!
The angels wouldn’t directly benefit from Jesus’ birth, yet they were overcome with joy. They wanted to share the good new. We should do the same!
Because Jesus is our Good Shepherd who gather God’s scattered people back to safety, the lamb of God, we can have peace with God!
Jesus was born through Mary’s suffering; and He went on to suffer throughout His short life on earth so that we might have Salvation!
Are you interested in a Christmas message rich with eternal joy, endless peace and never-waning hope that no one can steal? Merry Christmas!