¿Quiere ser un líder piadoso? ¡No busques más que imitar la vida de Jesús en la tierra!
¿Quiere ser un líder piadoso? ¡No busques más que imitar la vida de Jesús en la tierra!
Want to be a Godly leader? Look no further than to imitate the life of Jesus on earth!
Feeling like the tasks in front of you are just plain … mundane? The key to serving the Lord is faithfulness, whatever our job may be.
¿Sientes que las tareas que tienes por delante son simplemente… mundanas? La clave para servir al Señor es la fidelidad, sea cual sea nuestro trabajo.
We are only human. We break. We leak. But when we Christ lives in us, our “cracks” only mean that more of Him an be seen! And that can only be good!
We are called to be salt …. To shine for Jesus and enhance the flavor of the lives around us. How salty are you?
Do you look like someone in your family? Or perhaps you have a “double” … I hope I do: Jesus Christ! I want to look like Him.
Looking for an encounter with God? Perhaps it needs to begin by opening your heart to being a willing servant…
Jesus says to follow in His steps. Does that mean I also need to be willing to take someone else’s punishment?
Do you want to look more and more like Jesus and less and less like mankind? Only one way: Jesus!