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Body of Christ

The Cut

I cut the tip of my index finger slicing lemons the other day. It was a deep cut, and naturally, it bled everywhere. I bandaged it up and proceeded to go about my day, only to discover that the finger got in the way for everything I tried to do. Even though it was a...

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A Day at the Races

"These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." (Heb 11:39-40) The list is awesome. All the pillars of our faith are...

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The Twisted Shoe

As I grew up, I noticed that an elderly relative always wore a distorted shoe. I learned that, due to an accident in her childhood, she had to have one toe amputated. As a result, any shoe she wore always became twisted out of shape because one small toe was missing....

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