The Bible witnesses all concur: God will richly honour His promises to those who take calculated risks based on faith!
The Bible witnesses all concur: God will richly honour His promises to those who take calculated risks based on faith!
Do you believe that God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is real? Do you trust Him to prepare heavenly home in eternity for you?
Are you discouraged and feeling far from God and that your faith does nothing for you? Look to Him, your high tower of strength, Who promises a city whose foundations are made by God Himself, and Whom we can judge as faithful.
Has life left a hole in your heart? Maybe it is the passing of a loved one or the loss of a job or relationship. Whatever it is, there is a solution!
What choice will YOU make today? Will you keep try8ing to make yourself acceptable to God through your own efforts? Or will you accept Jesus’ perfect gift?
In a quickly changing world, we may not believe that things that have never been done before can truly happen, but they do. Each time a new believer takes that step of faith towards God there is a new creation!
Isn’t it true that the most discouraging trails we ever go through happen when we are doing God’s will? Spiritual endurance is vital!
A final will and testament ends when its bequests are given out, but Jesus’ blood will never lose its power to bring life, and life abundantly.
We all know what kinds of things we pray to God for … But the Bible tells us that HE prays for US! What does HE pray about?
Feeling discouraged? Like God just isn’t listening? Like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling?