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Nelly Berry

Thirty Pieces of Silver

Two thousand years ago, there was a tiny Babe, Who came into the world, a sacrifice to be made. A tiny baby, was sent from God, so lowly meek & mild, to give the evil, sinful world a Savior….. in a Child. In the fullness of time, He grew to be a man, when He was...

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There’s Something About This Man…

He's not handsome, or so pretty, kind of homely, so I hear, nothing special about His looks, just so-so, or fair. But there is something I can't fathom, some hidden attribute. There are always crowds around Him, just why, I can't compute. They say He is very...

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The Sacrifice

The sacrifice was offered on the altar of the Lord. The time for our redemption was the time of our reward. God gave His only Son as the Living Sacrifice, to ransom us from Satan's hold Jesus gave His life. Our precious Lord was sacrificed, His cross made from a tree....

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  Faith A Poem  

It is by faith we have this hope,this hope in God’s own Son.It is by faith in trials of life,in Jesus Christ, our faith is born. By faith Noah obeyed the commandto build an ark.Because of things not yet revealed,in fear he built the ark.Long years of hardship and...

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  Badge of Honor A Poem  

We once bestowed a badge of honor on those who performed,an act of courage, saved a life; perhaps a life transformed. Our greatest heroes were men of valor, whose lives were above reproach, who received medals, proudly worn upon their coats.Where are the heroes today,...

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  America I Love You A Poem  

America, my native land, I pledge my love for you,you are the shining city on a hill, such stories good and true.You’ve provided a safe haven for those who sought your shores,freedom they had never known till they reached your open doors.You saved countless numbers,...

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  A Prayer of Revival A Poem  

Oh Father, there is so much sorrow and strife,the news is replete with death and dying,someone taking another’s life.Mothers killing their own children,children committing violent deeds Husbands killing their wives,leaving children so in need. Lord, open eyes that...

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  Watching Over Me A Poem

My testimony I’d like to share. When I was not aware God was always there watching over me. All the time when I could not see, He was there, His hand on me. I must confess I’m abundantly blessed, although some would disagree, God has always been there for me. Through...

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