As Christians, we must forge ahead in passing on the word of Truth to other people. Clumsy or not, we must try.
As Christians, we must forge ahead in passing on the word of Truth to other people. Clumsy or not, we must try.
The heavens declare God’s glory, and we may also choose today to declare the glory of God as we allow His love to shine through in all we do!
Los cielos declaran la gloria de Dios, y nosotros también podemos elegir hoy declarar la gloria de Dios al permitir que Su amor brille en todo lo que hacemos.
Looking for a place to call home? Our awesome and wonderful God is our place of refuge now and forever. Let’s turn to Him!
In a world full of problems, how can we protect the spiritual nourishment of God’s word within our hearts?
We are picky when we eat grapes. Only the best ones go in our mouths! Praise God that He doesn’t discard each of us because of our bad traits!
What will make the church the greatest example of love on Earth? Then let’s each choose to practice Jesus’ perfect example of humility!
Aunque no lo parezca, tienes una parte MUY interesada en tu vida…
Whether it seems like it or not, you have a VERY interested party in your life…
We all have problems that test our patience. Will we be foolish? Or will we be wise enough to keep ourselves under control?