Do God’s commands sometimes seem strange? Like maybe He isn’t in touch with the latest news or cultural norms? No matter how strange they may seem, God’s way is always right, and we would do best fo follow without question!
Do God’s commands sometimes seem strange? Like maybe He isn’t in touch with the latest news or cultural norms? No matter how strange they may seem, God’s way is always right, and we would do best fo follow without question!
We are but foreigners, voyagers, passing through to our own “promised land”, Heaven itself, and the Earth made new with Jesus as our King!
Want to know how to honour God? By asking Him for the things that we have been promised as heirs to the Kingdom of God!
What the devil meant to discourage the people, God used to encourage them.
What the devil meant as a curse, the Lord turned into a blessing!
No matter what it is you face, don’t rely on emotions or on reason. Follow Jacob’s example and seek God’s opinion!
Last week, in Teacher Joseph, Part 9, we saw, in the lives of Joseph’s brothers, the destructive power that comes with unforgiveness. What then, are the potential benefits of forgiveness? To understand the power of forgiveness, we need to look no further than the one that Jacob’s 10 sons struck out against: Joseph himself! We […]
If God’s forgiveness is so big that He actually forgets our wrong doing, shouldn’t we also forgive ourselves?
Have you ever noticed that just when you think a problem is finally resolving, the worst part appears? And so it was with Jacob’s sons.
El Roi, el Dios que nos ve, conoce nuestras necesidades; ¡sólo tenemos que mirar hacia arriba y ver Su provisión!
Dealing with a guilty conscience? Nothing a little good old fashioned confession can’t cure!