We know how it feels when people don’t trust us, even though we’ve proven ourselves to be trustworthy… What about God? How does HE feel when we don’t trust HIM?
We know how it feels when people don’t trust us, even though we’ve proven ourselves to be trustworthy… What about God? How does HE feel when we don’t trust HIM?
Have sheep turned on you? Has someone in the church … harmed you? Jesus will not ignore it! Run to HIM for help!
Jesus says to follow in His steps. Does that mean I also need to be willing to take someone else’s punishment?
Everything — Even Correction — goes over better when presented in humility and love…
"Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And He said with a loud voice, "Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has...
The Bible has guidelines for everything. Including how to give correction…
¿Tus oraciones reflejan la perspectiva y el orden adecuados? ¿O usted, como yo, tiende a orar al revés?
Do your prayers reflect proper perspective and order? Or do you, like me, tend to pray backwards?
Since reminders were an intimate part of Israel’s relationship with God, wouldn’t it do us good as well to have a few?
Earthly job descriptions glorify the position. God’s job descriptions tell us the good — and the bad! And they come with a guarantee that He will help us through the bad!