In a world full of deception, how can we recognize Truth? Because Truth came to rescue the lost!
In a world full of deception, how can we recognize Truth? Because Truth came to rescue the lost!
Are you a victim of injustice? The only way to get over the pain is to let go of your anger and forgive ….
When brought face to face with our sin, we want to do something! But there is only One thing we can do …,
Jesus notices when we are in trouble. We matter to Him, even if we’re the only one in the whole group with that problem…
We need those around us who can speak to us words of wisdom.
This is the mopping-up stage. The devil knows he has lost, but he’s still spreading lies, trying to get us to doubt Jesus…
Jesus said, “Go and tell.” He also said, “Don’t be Afraid” What, then, is stopping us?
Someone figured it out. We are alive because Jesus died. Somehow His death broke the power of death!
Jesus’ gift brings so many wonderful things: Forgiveness, life, faith … but perhaps the best part is that it brings Jesus own presence…
Our personal problems may be overwhelming. Jesus stays with us to the end!