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Janet Eckles

Why is Your Heart Empty?

Have you ever walked through the empty valley of life? I have. When tragedy struck. When blindness set in, hope vanished. Hope seemed only a word, foreign and elusive. I dabbed tears during sleepless nights as the empty echoed in my sorrow. But the pain finally ended...

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How to Find True Happiness at Christmas

A few weeks ago, hubby cleaned the garage. I filled plastic bags of items and we gathered all to donate to the Orlando Rescue Mission. Christmas season soon came and hubby was fulfilling his own mission to help decorate. He pulled the Christmas tree out of the box. It...

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That’s Not Fair!

With wrinkled tissue in hand, we stomp our feet in frustration. We had asked, prayed and pleaded. But, to our utter disappointment, God still said, "No." Have you been there? God didn't smile at us with the answer we wanted. But that's not the worst. We look around...

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Sometimes it Hurts

Some time ago a friend and I traveled together. The airport where we landed was small. Actually, everything in it was small. With her caring nature, my friend made sure she guided me through all doorways, hallways, and elevators -- being careful to avoid obstacles in...

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Joy Happens Anyway

Christmas didn't call for a celebration. Not anymore. Not when you have a vital part of your life missing. It's been twelve years since we lost our son Joe. Festivities don't seem to have the joy they should. And Christmas trees don't emanate the usual scent....

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