Depression is almost an epidemic. How about keeping it out of your life completely?
Depression is almost an epidemic. How about keeping it out of your life completely?
We’ve all been there: Patiently — and sometimes impatiently — waiting for God to answer our prayers… What do we do while we wait?
When you pray the power instead of the problem, you activate the confidence you need, the boldness you must express, and the answer in which you must believe.
The mess is in front of you. Where is the return path to peace?
But like most people, life comes at you—glitches here, conflicts there, and dark headlines everywhere. Before you know it, your heart displays a different screen.
Thanksgiving: A time to reflect on all the good things we are thankful for, right? Or … Are we missing a few things here that we should be thankful for?
While in my kitchen busy chopping onions for my favorite salmon dish, I listened to a photographer’s interview on radio. He had gone into an odd adventure. After asking permission of dozens of folks, he took photographs of the inside of their refrigerators. Kind of...
Woo hoo! I’m blowing out birthday candles this month. But someone has to tell me where they are to avoid burning my nose and eyelashes. My family laughs at this scenario because all, including me, are quite comfortable with my lack of sight. This month marks 31 years...
I did it all. Being blind is sometimes yucky, especially when you end up with weird stuff in your mouth. A while back, I took a bite of bread that tasted moist, really moist, more than usual. "This taste funny," I murmured. With a swift move, my mom grabbed it from my...
“So, I was with some friends preaching in South Africa,” a preacher said, “when a blind woman who sat at the front came up for prayer.The preacher told her Jesus loved her and wanted to heal her blindness. He then placed his hands on her head and prayed. In that...